Helping you do business with S.E.Asia
US +1 512-825-3826
Prevent the spread of Covid - 19 with our selection of wholesale products manufactured in Vietnam and Malaysia . We believe in making a difference through on-time delivery.
We are an authorized agent for DN99 products, directly imported from Vietnam. Specializing in nitrile gloves with over 100 million gloves delivered to our clients in the USA alone, we are confident we can handle your needs.
We are proud to offer now the newest self test systems for home use with a 97% accuracy. Please contact us we can deliver by airfreight with in of 48 hours very large quantities. All test kits include UEA certifications.
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Mondotrader LLP
USA 8650 Spicewood Springs Rd. Ste.145/588 Austin, TX 78759
VN+84 0393278577 US +1 512 825 3826
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